BiblioteQ is an archiving, cataloging, and
library management suite. The software is available for many
operating systems and should be compatible with any system that
supports a modern Qt. BiblioteQ is distributed with a BSD
BiblioteQ Summary
ARM architecture support.
Administrator roles.
Alpha architecture support.
Animated confirmations, here and there. Future fun.
Anti-censorship through digital content.
Apple Silicon.
Archive important documents.
Bar scanners supported indirectly.
Cataloging of books, dvds, grey literature, journals, magazines,
music cds, photograph collections, and video games.
Cover images with drag and drop support.
Customized displays.
Customized item data, pricing information, and currencies.
Elaborate options. Many options. Very many.
Embedded hyperlinks for localized searches of similar items.
Exporting of views to CSV files.
External applications.
Files browser.
Free and Open Source technology.
FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS, OS/2, OpenBSD, Windows, etc.
Front cover image retrieval via Amazon and Open Library.
Listings of overdue items, requested items, and reserved
MARC21 and UNIMARC record syntaxes.
MacOS and Windows install targets: make install.
Merging of SQLite databases.
Multiple icon sets.
Natively compiled on ARM, Alpha, PowerPC, Sparc64, X86,
Open Library queries for select items.
Optional item reservation histories for patrons.
PDF reader via Poppler, where available.
Parse local MARC tags. Books, journals, magazines.
Patron information.
Portable libraries.
PostgreSQL accounts with various privileges.
PostgreSQL and SQLite engines.
PowerPC support.
Print support, including previews.
Raspberry Pi!
Retain the privacy of your memories.
Rich search capabilities, including custom SQL queries.
Row-level security policies for PostgreSQL.
SQL syntax highlighting with custom colors.
Sparc64 support.
Support for multiple SRU and Z39.50 sites.
Support for requesting unavailable items.
Tabbed item panels!
Threaded data retrieval via the standard Z39.50 protocol for
books, journals, and magazines.
Transactional database queries.
True PostgreSQL and SQLite pagination.
Uniform functionality across various platforms.
Windows portable.
Release Notes
February 05, 2025
Corrected background colors of BiblioteQ Table Field Name
widgets in CSV Import Browser. The discovery process is
more relaxed. Some items may be incorrect regardless.
New Select Images button for photograph collections.
PostgreSQL 15.10.3 on Windows.
Removed as is suitable.
Modern distributions please.
Removed as is suitable.
Removed as is suitable.
Removed as is
Translate newlines into <br> tags during a CSV
Trim exceptional newlines in hyperlinks. That is,
"A\n\n\n\n\nB" becomes "A<br>B".
December 20, 2024.
Also read Item Pages menu in the main window. This brevity
was not mentioned in the 2024.12.01 release notes.
Android people shall be burdened with ARM32 and ARM64 bundles.
So much lovely work.
BiblioteQ contains at least 127 options.
CSV Import Browser: new post-import script with a memory.
Corrected discovery and separation of tabbed search windows.
The discovery process did not set the current tab page to that of
the discovered item while the separation process did not center
the separated window.
Corrected selection of icon items. Whenever an item is selected
in the main table, its icon representation is also selected. The
coordinates of the icon item must be translated to its scene's
coordinates system.
Denote interrupted preview in CSV Import Browser.
Drop-shadow-effects on graphics items.
Enable tool tips on graphics items. Remember, Other Options ->
Main Window -> Show Table Tool Tips must be enabled.
Final LTS release of 2024. See YOU!
Final release of Linux packages. Future: Android, MacOS, Windows.
See YOU!
Highlight BiblioteQ Field Name widgets in CSV Import Browser
if mismatches occur.
LTS release.
LTS version information in About.
Let's repeat. Paged items!
Merry something to someone who may be merry.
New --help terminal option.
New Edit -> Select All.
New Options -> Download Version Information After Launch.
New Other Options -> Scripts. The values will be available in
CSV Import Browser and Tools -> External Applications; sorted and
unique. Icons available in External Applications actions.
Paste buttons in book images. GitHub ticket #386.
Pretty rounded borders on some images.
Qt 6.8.1 LTS on Android.
Qt 6.8.1 LTS on MacOS.
Qt 6.8.1 LTS on Windows.
Qup releases in the hopeful future.
Removed the Ctrl + A shortcuts from photographs as the shortcuts
will interfere with the wordly shortcut.
Replaced the dull selection border on a graphics item with a
sassy geometric shape.
Second entry in the 2024.12.01 release notes: Kubuntu -> KDE.
Super fast selection of large table sets via Ctrl + A.
The newest version in postgresql_update_schema.sql should be
Wider progress dialogs.
Will BiblioteQ reach a quarter of a century of awesomeness?
Maybe, maybe not. We simply do not know!
December 1, 2024.
261 releases of BiblioteQ!
A style of Breeze is the preferred style of
for Kubuntu. Otherwise, Fusion is the preferred style.
Abundant constants. Please report weird events.
Added DROP statements in postgresql_destroy_schema.sql. Not a
single sprite ushered a complaint.
Allow only unique items in Batch Activities Browser ->
Discover. Uniqueness is defined via the Identifier column.
Awesome button colors. The previous edition featured buttons
having full colors.
Batch Activities is incomplete regarding reservation histories.
That is, history entries were not created for borrowed items.
GitHub ticket #373.
CSV Import Browser: guess BiblioteQ Table Field Name values
according to the contents of the CSV file.
GitHub tickets #376, #385.
CSV Import Browser: highlight CSV Preview cells in Templates
table. Cells are highlighted if values are missing or present.
GitHub ticket #376.
CSV Import Browser: optionally refresh the main window's view
after an import event of Template 1 and Template 2. A prompt
is displayed if at least one item is imported. Books category.
CSV Import Browser: replaced Templates signal
current-index-changed() with activated().
CSV Import Browser: writable CSV File widget.
Corrected Deleting debug plugins may
delete required plugins files in the install target. Qt 6.5 LTS
has separated the debug and release files and the additional logic
in is not necessary.
GitHub tickets #374, #375.
Disable the Go! button in Batch Activities Browser if the current
page is Discover.
Display a reminder if a requested item has been returned on
SQLite. Other Options -> SQLite. GitHub ticket #350.
Display all reserved items in the main table if the
Batch Activities Browser -> Return table is empty during a Go!
Include the account's database role in the main window's title
for a PostgreSQL connection.
Include the member's identifier in Member's Reservation History
window title.
Into the never-future with Poppler and Qt.
List number of lines in CSV; CSV Import Browser.
Missing Qt TLS libraries / plugins on Windows. Also read
item covering
GitHub tickets #374, #375.
New --prepare-csv-import-file terminal option.
New Options -> Center Child Windows.
Most windows and some dialogs.
New Options -> Patron Reservation History.
New Options -> Tabbed Item Windows. Enabled. New windows
New Other Options -> Main Window -> Only UTF-8 Printable Text.
If enabled, cell text in the main window will only contain
printable UTF-8 characters.
New no_image.png image.
New terminal option --open-sqlite-database-index index, where
index is the index of the entry in the Recent SQLite Files
menu. First index is one.
Optional progress dialogs in CSV Import Browser. The process
is inactive and may be completed later.
GitHub ticket #384.
Poppler and Qt 6. Poppler is an exterior product covering PDF
Populate entries in the Recent SQLite Files menu with values
adjusted with QFileInfo.
PostgreSQL 15.10.1; Windows.
PostgreSQL: grant delete on item_borrower to
QSqlQueryModel::setQuery() has a new signature since Qt 6.2.
Record and restore window geometries: Batch Activity Browser,
CSV Import Browser, Database Enumerations Browser, Merge SQLite
Databases, Other Options, Query History.
Geometries are restored before windows are optionally
Removed GNOME-specific geometry instructions.
Retrieve the absolute file paths for arguments of
--special-executable and --special-executable-icon.
SRU@France is now HTTPS in biblioteq.conf.
Set the height of the member dialog as
maximum(-100 + m_members_diag->height(),
Sort Recent SQLite Files entries.
Spelling corrections in this document.
Tabbed item windows! Please report glitches.
The method biblioteq_misc_functions::isbn13to10() will now
produce the original string if the string does not begin with
978. GitHub ticket #350.
The sample CSV file (Data/BiblioteQ.csv) now reflects the
sample SQLite database (Data/BiblioteQ.sqlite) with respect to
Trim header strings in CSV Import Browser. The strings are
trimmed for both the CSV Preview and Templates tables.
Utilize either ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 for Copy Browser and
Item Reservation Status; first available value.
June 30, 2024.
260 releases of BiblioteQ!
Archived biblioteq_architecture.h and replaced with
Cell colors. Please see Other Options -> Main Window ->
Special Value Colors. GitHub ticket #369.
True-equality comparisons are performed. Fast, super fast.
Consider PostgreSQL's libpq location on Apple Silicon.
Corrected item reservation for PostgreSQL. Please drop the
delete_request() function as it is incomplete.
Display a reminder if a requested item has been returned.
PostgreSQL for now. GitHub ticket #350.
Final traditional release. Future releases provided through
First LTS of 2024?
Include hh:mm:ss in item-request date.
Non-modal About dialog.
PostgreSQL 15.7.2 Windows.
QSqlQueryModel::setQuery() has a new signature since Qt 6.2.
Item included in MacOS and Windows releases. Available elsewhere in
a future release.
Resize other windows at about 95% of the main window's size.
Select the appropriate member in the Members Browser
when an item is prepared for reservation. For example, an item
is selected in the main window and the Reserve Selected Item
button is clicked.
The file postgresql_update_schema.sql's last entry's date is
incorrect. The correct date is 2024.06.30.
April 30, 2024.
259 releases of BiblioteQ; here and there.
A pleasant approximation.
676 Dewey Number and Z39.50 Unimarc. GitHub ticket #344.
Added sslcompression=1 to connection_options in biblioteq.conf.
PostgreSQL only.
Completed C++ enumerator classes. Please discover errors.
Corrected INI recording of availability colors in
Other Options -> Main Window. Do not neglect sorted columns!
GitHub ticket #357.
Corrected INI recording of date formats in Other Options ->
Items. Do not neglect sorted columns! GitHub ticket #357.
Correctly committed Database Enumerations Browser data will cause
automatic population of existing interfaces. Please note that
BiblioteQ will make a best effort at preserving current values of
existing interfaces.
Database Enumerations Browser: replaced combination box widgets
in the Locations table with item delegates. The revision resolves
a peculiar Qt warning "edit: editing failed". The problem
is encountered during tab-key navigation. Please also read the
TO-DO document.
Display all items in Database Enumerations Browser -> Section
combination box widget.
Display an error message if the PostgreSQL library provided
by Homebrew is not available on MacOS.
Display formatted dates for all queries in the main window.
Do not translate Type fields in the Database Enumeration
Browser's Locations and Reservations Minimum Days. The Type field
represents a database value and items are located through it.
GitHub ticket #360.
Introduced loop-unrolling in project files for some
Organized source. Please review and submit corrections.
Other Options: do not record colors names as Latin in the INI
file. Instead, record colors names as presented.
Removed all QSettings::sync() instances.
Removed duplicate mnemonics from all interfaces.
Removed inactive Help menu from CSV Import Browser.
Renamed some INI keys: otheroptions/book_date_format ->
otheroptions/date_format. Please review Other Options ->
Replaced QString(tr()) with tr().
Restore a normal cursor if qmain is not available in
biblioteq_otheroptions::prepareShortcuts(). Very awful and very
Scroll to the bottom of the list and table widgets whenever new
entries are created in the Database Enumerations Browser.
This is a happy release in a world of calamity.
March 25, 2024.
A style of Breeze is the preferred style of
Animated confirmations:
Copies Browser
Custom Query
Other Options
Block signals in biblioteq_misc_functions::sortCombinationBox()
before modifying the contents of the combination box widget.
Completed system icons for items.
DVDs, photograph collections, video games and global fonts.
Enumerator classes here and there.
Improved text search in documentation class.
Let's consider active confirmations. Many, if not all, of
the interactions with BiblioteQ result in negative or positive
confirmations. A negative confirmation results in an error dialog
and / or a log entry. Now, a negative result will also be in the
form of an animated push button. Similarly, a positive result
will be in the form of an animated push button. An animated
widget is a widget which provides an animated background color
such as crimson or red, or some variation.
New notes database fields.
Notes are now available in copy editors.
PostgreSQL 15.6.1 for Windows.
Sort item types in Database Enumerations combination boxes.
Sort strings of combination boxes in copy editors.
February 29, 2024.
A source-only release during an elongated February on a lunatic
Added missing period in release notes.
Animated negative and positive indicators on some panels.
GitHub ticket #348.
Beautified the source. Please discover errors.
Center Member-Create / Member-Modify panel with respect to its
Corrected embedded searches. Problems caused by favorites.
Enumerator classes here and there.
New --special-executable-icon. GitHub ticket #347.
New Other Options -> Display -> Icon Set. System icons may not
be available everywhere. Incomplete.
PowerPC may require future tweaks because of legacy Qt.
Removed Document Changes section from BiblioteQ.odt.
Removed redundant clear() instances.
Replaced QString(tr()) with tr(). Incomplete.
Replaced SHA1 with SHA3-512. New data only.
Resize photograph panel at about 95% of parent's size.
Sprinkled icons.
This release is dedicated to the linguistic Mr. D. See you.
Uniform widget widths, here and there.
December 30, 2023.
Added BnF Z39.50 target to biblioteq.conf.
Added new labels describing on-top window behavior to relevant
Bundle French documentation files into the executables.
Completed Database Enumerations defaults: Grey Literature,
Languages, Locations, Monetary Units, Video Games. Favorites are
also prepared for new items and searches. GitHub ticket #308.
Corrected resetting of Monetary Units for the General Search.
The contents of the combination box are purged if the Reset button
is activated. Reviewed all other item searches.
Display Notes in photograph view.
Final LTS release of 2023. See you!
First PiOS 64-bit release!
Improved retrieval of publication dates from Z39.50 queries.
Completed for books and magazines. GitHub ticket #343.
LTS release! Release includes a bunch of bunched bunches covering
numerous operating systems: Android 10, Debian PowerPC,
Kubuntu 22.04, Raspbian 12, MacOS 13, Windows 11.
New Magic Unix scripts. Please inspect the Scripts directory.
New 214 processing for books and Z39.50 queries.
GitHub ticket #343.
PiOS-64 now requires Qt 6 and version 12.
PostgreSQL 15.5.1; Windows.
Qt 6.5.3 LTS on Android.
Qt 6.5.3 LTS on MacOS.
Qt 6.5.3 LTS on Windows.
Query history. Please see Tools. Query strings may be incomplete
and therefore some may not be executable.
GitHub ticket #340.
Added Next (Ctrl + Right) and Previous (Ctrl + Left) shortcuts to
various interfaces.
Added a completer to Member ID in Batch Activities.
GitHub ticket #331.
Adjust a view's scene rectangle according to the scene's
Allow multiple books to be created.
Clean Discovered Name in Batch Activities Browser on reset.
GitHub ticket #330.
Deprecated Qt 5 LTS for Android, MacOS, and Windows.
ISBN-13 is now the default focus widget for books.
MacOS release will be built with Qt 6.5 LTS.
Reset the main view's rectangle upon a database disconnect.
September 15, 2023.
Added Next (Ctrl + Right) and Previous (Ctrl + Left) shortcuts to
photograph views.
Added shortcut tool tips to Other Options -> Shortcuts.
Administrator Browser: include Batch Activities Browser.
Align graphic views. These are views containing images.
Android and Qt 6.5.2 LTS.
Corrected book import: missing target_audience field in
Template 2.
Corrected page selection in photograph views.
Corrected required field highlights of book item:
alternate_id_1, volume.
Corrected scene sizes in photograph views.
Database Enumerations defaults: DVDs. Favorites are prepared
for new DVDs and searches. GitHub ticket #308.
Display a patron's name in the Batch Activities Browser's Borrow
panel after editing of the Member ID field has finished.
Future Windows releases will feature x86-64. PostgreSQL version
10 is the last supported x86 release. Please read
Improved version reporting of obsolete software.
Include image quantities in photograph collections.
New Filter order in Members Browser.
GitHub discussion #316.
New book fields: date_of_reform, origin, purchase_date.
GitHub ticket #260.
Populate target_audiences during an import.
GitHub ticket #317.
Process pending events shortly after show() is issued on the
main window. This will allow child windows, which may be shown
during the preparation process, to be centered correctly.
Scroll to Reservations Minimum Days section via Members
Sort table fields in Custom Query.
Sortable Read Status table column. GitHub ticket #321.
July 20, 2023.
Database Enumerations defaults: CDs. Favorites are prepared for
new CDs and searches. GitHub ticket #308.
July 15, 2023.
Database Enumerations defaults: books. Favorites are prepared
for new books and searches. GitHub ticket #308.
Linux-like distributions: replaced /usr/local with /opt. GitHub
ticket #310.
New Tools -> External Applications. GitHub ticket #278.
Remove INI key custom_query_favorite after the relevant favorite
is deleted via the interface.
June 6, 2023.
Adapt to incomplete custom queries and reservation processes.
Added SQLite table trigger item_borrower_trigger.
Added volume_number field to book category. GitHub ticket #227.
Allow pasting of images into Back and Front cover image
containers. GitHub ticket #284.
Allow resetting of highlight colors: Other Options -> Custom
Android and Qt 6.2 LTS.
Archived release notes.
Avoid creating expensive program objects if they are not
necessary: Members Browser -> Print Selected Member's Reserved
Batch returns. GitHub ticket #280.
Book import template 2 was missing alternate_id_1.
Center PDF progress dialogs.
Copy Browser did not contain the correct number of reserved
non-book items. The process was incomplete. Completed!
Custom query favorite and shortcut. See also Other Options ->
Shortcuts. GitHub ticket #279.
Display a gentle and persistent reminder in the status bar if a
new version of BiblioteQ is available.
Display brief summaries in favorite actions.
Enable clear button for many text fields.
Enable sorting for table widgets in Other Options.
Final Windows x86 packaged release. Future Windows releases will
include Qt 6 LTS and Windows x86-64.
For new installations, the following options will be enabled:
Populate Administrator Browser On Display, Populate Database
Enumerations Browser On Display, and Populate Members Browser On
Include target audience in book view. GitHub ticket #294.
Infinite intelligent Custom Query windows.
LTS release! Several accumulated bundles included.
Native dialogs and menus. File dialogs remain non-native.
New Year's End convenience widget in patron information.
GitHub ticket #297.
On-top Member's Reservation History window. GitHub discussion
On-top Members Browser window. GitHub discussion #248.
Optional member reservation history for SQLite databases.
PostgreSQL and compression. See SQL/postgresql_update_schema.sql.
Qt 5.15.9 for MacOS. Some releases do not include this item in
their release notes but will in the future.
Qt 6.5 LTS compliant.
Removed SQL keywords for highlighting: INSERT INTO, INSERT INTO
Replaced error() with errorOccurred() in Qt 5.15 and newer for
Reset post-query highlight colors for books, journals, and
magazines as necessary.
SQLite upgrade tool: all or recent. Please see Tools menu.
Always create a copy of the SQLite file before upgrading!
Set highlights of Custom Query text immediately after colors
are configured and saved.
Unlimited queries for PostgreSQL. Please be careful!
YAZ 5.34; W32.
March 15, 2023.
Initialize visible Members Browser columns.
Some containers may be intentionally empty. Added label
March 10, 2023.
Options -> Select Global Font is now available on MacOS.
Visible Members Browser columns: Other Options -> Members ->
Visible Columns. GitHub ticket #246.
Improved processing of duplicate cover images. Decreased memory
Improved recording of SQL syntax colors. Example INI value:
keyword=color. Existing values will not be ported. Apologies!
Intelligent woody trees.
Preserve boldness of fonts, if possible.
Remove trailing semicolons from custom-query search strings.
The semicolons produce errors in SQLite.
Reviewed all UNION statements. Replaced UNION with UNION ALL.
Separate sets do not require pruning.
Show query completion time in the main window's status bar.
Not all queries are measured.
Validate Reservations Minimum Days integer input in Database
Enumerations Browser.
February 20, 2023.
Added find function for and to the main table.
Custom Query SQL language highlights. GitHub ticket #246.
New Custom Query Other Options panel. GitHub ticket #246.
January 25, 2023.
Ability to export member history as a CSV file. GitHub
January 16, 2023.
Allow renaming of Custom Query favorites. GitHub discussion.
Batch Activities Browser: do not display a file dialog if an
export would be empty.
Book SRU query results: set Alternate Identifier to control
field 003's ark value if Alternate Identifier is empty. GitHub
CSV Import Browser: empty ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 substitutions.
Values may be prepared manually.
Completed GitHub ticket #228. Allow UPDATE queries on selected
Custom queries executed via the Custom Query menu will be
executed through the same logic as the Custom Query browser.
Do not convert ISBN-13 to ISBN-10 unless the prefix is 978
(biblioteq_misc_functions::isbn13to10()). GitHub ticket #269.
Do not disconnect the current database if a future database does
not have a database driver.
Happy New Year!
Item field colors. New options in Other Options. GitHub ticket
Publication Date Formats are now open. Correct formats are
expected. See Other Options. GitHub ticket #270.
Replaced all instaces of MM/dd/yyyy with biblioteq::
s_databaseDateFormat. GitHub ticket #270.
Show a warning label if the selected database's driver does not
exist in Branch Selection.
Some operators believe that BiblioteQ should correct their
malformed data regardless of the effort, interest, and time.
Modified the import mechanism such that it attempts to correct
publication dates. GitHub ticket #270.
Source-only release! Preparing release files requires a
significant effort and an interest. Requests for release files
will be ignored! Apologies. The tar bundle for Linux is created
in Ubuntu 20.04.
December 25, 2022.
Added book_target_audiences to Custom Query tree widget.
Added book_target_audiences to Merge SQLite Databases.
Added member_history_dnt to Custom Query tree widget.
Allow null ISBN book searches.
Audio and Batch Activities Browser. Multimedia system required.
Avoid searching of duplicate items in Batch Activities Browser.
Bottom-scroll-on-add added to Batch Activities Browser. Setting
is ephemeral.
Close and reset the Merge SQLite Databases window upon a database
Completed Qt 6.2 LTS regular expressions. Some glitches may
Corrected discovery of grey literature items in the Batch
Activities Browser. Problem caused by referencing incorrect
database field.
Corrected grey literature searches. The query was missing
Corrected magazine searches. The query was missing a space
Corrected queries which include single quotes for SQLite and
Corrected section scrolling order in Database Enumerations
Custom queries and favorites. Please see Custom Query and View
Do not include empty myoid information in the Merge SQLite
Databases utility during error reporting.
Export missing items function in Batch Activities Browser's
Discover panel.
Hyperlinks for SQLite. Please activate a link by pressing and
holding the Alt key while clicking on the link. Also functional
on editable PostgreSQL entries.
Ignore empty scanned input in Batch Activities Browser.
Improved error reporting of biblioteq_misc_functions::
Include item title in the Discover portion of the Batch
Activities Browser.
New database tables book_conditions, book_originality. Please
upgrade the databases. Static values have been removed from
relevant widgets.
Removed Poppler (PDF), PostgreSQL, and YAZ from MacOS.
Removed SQLite libraries and source. Qt provides sufficient
SQLite services.
Removed duplicate tool tips from Other Options.
Reset numerous panels after a database is closed.
Revised text on numerous menu items.
Save tear-off menus setting only if Automatically Save Settings
On Exit is active or the settings are explicitly saved.
This will be the final package release. Future releases will
include source only. Good luck!
Remove hyphens from multi-volume ISBN in book search.
Removed vertical headers from many table widgets.
SQLite 3.40; Windows.
September 15, 2022.
As requested, display the Alternate Identifier for books
Corrected book import and copy generation.
Corrected order of widgets in Database Enumerations Browser.
Import locale-specific prices. Thank you meteos77.
Per request, Batch Activities Browser.
PostgreSQL 10.22.1; Windows.
Qt 5.15.5 LTS; MacOS.
Report failures of biblioteq_misc_functions::getOID().
SQLite 3.39.3; Android and Windows.
Scroll-to-section for Database Enumerations Browser.
Sort some combination box entries.
Standard optimization (O2).
Version information in About is incorrect for Debian and MacOS.
Will be corrected in the next release.
YAZ 5.31.1; Windows.
May 30, 2022.
Added alternate_id_1, description, and multivolume_set_isbn
fields to all-fields book import.
Adding living application links.
Basic search (main window) is now exact, per request. The
wildcard character is %.
Book imports will now create copies upon discovering duplicate
Check ISBNs checkbox widget if either ISBN is available; book
Corrected export-as-PNG function. A scene's render() function
must be provided the scene's bounding rectangle. Thank you
meteos77 for the report.
Corrected next and previous actions of photograph collections.
Problem caused by type() override.
Corrected photograph Qt signals.
Improved detection of book binding types for MARC queries.
Include multi-volume ISBNs in book prints.
New book target audience field. Please upgrade your databases.
Other book image retrieval.
PostgreSQL 10.20.2; Windows.
Qt 6.2 LTS is more complete!
Remove ampersands from color buttons. Ampersands may be added by
environments to denote mnemonics.
Removed UNIQUE constraint from multivolume_set_isbn. See March
30, 2022 release notes for SQLite.
SQLite 3.38.5; Android and Windows.
March 30, 2022.
Copy contents of book_sequence and sequence tables during Merge
SQLite Databases.
Display a warning if the current database schema is not current.
French release notes. Thank you meteos77.
Limit Files Per Page (Files Browser) and Members Per Page
(Members Browser) to 2500.
Limit copies to 1000.
New multivolume_set_isbn database field. For SQLite databases,
the field cannot be added with a UNIQUE constraint per Consider merging the
existing database with a newly-created database. See
Create a new SQLite database: File -> New SQLite Database.
Open Merge SQLite Databases: Tools -> Merge SQLite Databases.
Press Add Row.
Select the legacy SQLite database file.
Press the Merge button.
PostgreSQL 10.20.1; Windows.
Qt 6.2.4 LTS for Android.
Retain SQLite upgrade statements of previous release
(2022.02.30) only. All other statements have been archived in the
Revised BiblioteQ.odt: new information, new sections, replaced
images, spelling corrections.
SQLite 3.38.2; Android and Windows.
February 30, 2022.
Generate e-mail patron reminders.
New Mokka information. Thank you tamascz.
New alternate_id_1 and membership_fees database fields. Please
upgrade database schemas.
Open Library queries via alternate identifiers.
Overdue Fees in Members Browser.
Sort basic search (main window) results by titles. Thank you
January 30, 2022.
BiblioteQ @ 20! Happy New Year!
Configurable YAZ options.
Corrected case-insensitive searches. Thank you meteos77.
Corrected revisions of the main view via item details;
persistent indices.
Database Enumerations (binding types, languages, locations,
monetary units) are now included in the book import.
Disable the Reserve Selected Item context menu action if the
current item is a photograph.
Display import preview header strings in the import template
table. For example, the preview table's column 1 text may be set
to "Title" and the item at (0, 1) in the template table will have
its text also set to "Title". Thank you meteos77.
Display optimizations of large content.
Do not disable database-connection widgets if a connection is
already present.
Enable case-sensitive-like for general SQLite searches.
Export Icons View as PNG.
Group returns of selected items via the All Reserved category.
ISBN display format options. Please see Other Options.
Initialize empty barcodes in copy editors.
Members Browser pagination.
New Other Options for setting the number of Icons Mode columns.
New import template. Thank you meteos77.
New open-postgresql-database terminal option.
Print Icons View.
Remove hyphens from ISBN fields within conditionals.
SQLite 3.37.2; Android and Windows.
Simplify text before displaying it in the main table and
associated tool tips. Thank you meteos77.
December 15, 2021.
Accession Number query; available from the main window.
Allow for the SQL delete statement to be issued for custom
Automatically convert ISBN-10 to ISBN-13 during imports.
Column-configuration option will be disabled for custom queries
as the queries describe the desired columns.
Corrected book read-status and custom queries for SQLite.
Corrected column-configuration menu. Thank you meteos77.
Corrected generation of CSV files from custom queries. Thank
you meteos77.
Corrected translations. New translation files.
Embedded documentation and release notes.
Inspect the font created from the global_font setting. If the
font cannot be recreated, assign a default font.
Introduced the timeout option for YAZ. The actual timeout
More complete lists of available database tables in Custom
New open-sqlite-database terminal option.
Optional main window images and progress dialogs. Please see
Other Options.
Patron export and import.
PostgreSQL 10.19; Windows.
Qt 5.12.12 LTS; Windows.
Qt 6.2 LTS. One item remaining.
Restore and retain Members Browser's geometry.
SQLite 3.37; Android and Windows.
SQLite database merge.
Speedy reservations. New option in Members Browser.
October 30, 2021.
Android release! SQLite only.
Avoid duplicate signals in Branch Selection.
Corrected setting of book images with respect to the read-only
Embedded translation files.
Maximum reserved books. Please upgrade the database schemas.
Limits are not enforced.
New Total Reserved column in Members Browser.
PostgreSQL 10.18.2, Windows.
Qt 6.2 LTS. Incomplete.
Removed e-mail validation. Qt 6.2 LTS.
Sample SQLite database. Thank you sunyuyangg555.
Spanish translation. Thank you caalma.
YAZ is now optional.
September 10, 2021.
New column added to the CSV Import browser.
New column added to the main table denoting read status.
SQLite only.
PostgreSQL 10.18, Windows.
August 8, 2021.
Availability colors. Please see Other Options.
C++ 2011.
Read-status for books. SQLite only.
SQLite 3.36, Windows.
June 12, 2021.
Corrected copy-editor browser caused by incorrect C++ protected
method. Thank you tamascz.
Corrected UTF-8 conversions of Open Library data. Thank you
New Polish translation. Thank you jerzyPL.
Poppler has been removed from the Windows build as it's
outdated. Will be replacing the library with QtPDF.
February 2, 2021.
Happy New Year!
Continued parameterizing SQL search queries.
Corrected Qt 5.15 warnings.
New Files Browser.
New enumerators; internal objects. Please report all errors.
New status database fields. Please update your databases!
Purge SQLite database entries upon removal of parent entries.
Qt 5.12.10 on Windows.
Qt 5.15.2 on OS X.
SQLite 3.34.1.
September 9, 2020.
Allow opening of multiple PDF files.
Hid the Delete button in Copy Browser. The widget is not
necessary and neither is its function. The number of copies is
controlled by the parent window.
New book layout, per request.
New mechanisms for parsing MARC tags for books, journals,
OpenBSD corrections.
PostgreSQL 9.6.19 for W32.
Synchronize current page with page index in PDF reader.
Various text hints.
July 25, 2020.
Colorful messages in SQLite upgrade process.
Corrected SQLite upgrade statements. Thank you tamascz.
July 11, 2020.
Corrected Database Enumerations furnishing. Thank you
Corrected main table tool tips with respect to binary data.
Thank you jerzyPL.
Introduced various shortcuts.
July 4, 2020.
Access main window items via the Enter key.
Allow proxies for Open Library image downloads.
Allow proxies for SRU queries.
Borrowers forward-only SQL queries.
Child PDF windows will be bound to the main window.
Container optimizations: isEmpty() versus size() > 0.
Corrected removal of selected rows in import mechanism.
Dates in the main table will be displayed according to formats
in Other Options. For general categories, for example All, dates
will be displayed using the ISO-8601 format. Thank you
Deprecated Qt 4.8.7 support.
Display conversion error dialog if a 13-digit ISBN is not
prefixed by 978 or 979.
Main window print preview.
New Library of Congress SRU server. Please update
New context menus now available on various widgets.
New reservation history print layout.
Open Library queries.
PDF print preview.
Per request, automatically increment book accession numbers.
Photographs image rotations.
Polish translation. Thank you jerzyPL.
PostgreSQL 9.6.18 on Windows.
Private member histories for PostgreSQL >= 9.5.
Qt 5.12.9 on Windows.
Redesigned several PostgreSQL triggers, linking items with
their reservation information.
Relaxed ISSN validation. Thank you robindegen.
Removed item_borrower_vw database view. Please update PostgreSQL
and SQLite databases.
Removed std::nothrow.
Reservation history print preview.
Row-level item_borrower and item_request security policies for
PostgreSQL >= 9.5.
SQLite 3.32.3 on Windows.
SSL / TLS for Amazon image retrieval. Ignore SSL / TLS errors on
image retrieval.
Vacuum database tool.
YAZ 5.30.3 on Windows.
January 1, 2020.
Container optimization; replaced first().
Debian ARM Qt 5 package. Native build.
Fifteen splendid years of BiblioteQ!
Happy New Year!
Importing of books from CSV files is now supported. BiblioteQ
mapping template included.
OS/2 Qt 5 support.
Optional e-mail validation.
PostgreSQL 9.6.16 on Windows.
Qt 5.9.9 on Windows.
SQLite 3.30.1 on Windows.
October 10, 2019.
Best Fit photograph view option.
Forward-only database queries, where appropriate.
New contact information in Members Browser.
Process interface events. Smooth.
SQLite 3.30 on W32.
Trim database string values during processing.
September 9, 2019.
Allow exporting of Members Browser's visible items as CSV.
Corrected Viewable Columns. Thank you sidheban.
Corrected removal of photographs via context menus; abnormal
Denote SQLite database usernames as SQLITE where applicable.
Disabled hyperlink searches on SQLite. Editable text-edit fields
do not support interactive hyperlinks.
Display Call Number for All Overdue, All Requested, and All
Reserved categories.
Display database role in main window's title.
Drop extensions in postgresql_destroy_schema.sql.
Full screen mode.
Intuitive radio button appearance.
Larger image previews in main window's table.
Patron contact information now available in All Overdue, All
Requested, and All Reserved categories.
PostgreSQL 9.6.15 on W32.
Qt 5.13.0 on OS X.
Removed C++ singleton.
SQLite 3.29 on W32.
Source format changes.
Update item image in main table upon image change.
June 6, 2019.
Grey Literature Publication Date Format correction provided by
Modified expected location of biblioteq.conf on Windows. Thank
you coldacid.
Open Library cover images.
Parameter-based search queries. SQL injections.
PostgreSQL 9.6.13 on W32.
Qt 5.9.8 on W32.
SQLite 3.28 on W32.
March 15, 2019.
Elegant MacOS menus.
Happy New Year!
New Other Options setting. If enabled, pretty tool tips will be
displayed on the main table.
PostgreSQL 9.6.12 on W32.
Qt 5.12.1 on OS X.
Removed Qt::WA_MacMetalStyle.
Retain General Search widget states after a query.
Russian translation from Viacheslav Ptsarev. Thank you!
SQLite 3.27.2 on W32.
The Debian package was created on Kubuntu 18.10. The YAZ5
library is expected.
December 12, 2018.
Case-insensitive LIKE operations. Thank you ozgurcan.
Corrected location of the Translations directory on MacOS.
Thank you Marty.
Corrected mainwindow_canvas_backgound_color setting. Should be
Corrected parsing of sub-fields within XML. Some fields must be
discarded. Thank you sit42.
Optional unaccent() for PostgreSQL. Thank you ozgurcan.
Prevent abnormal termination during image download. Thank you
Qt 9.6.7 on W32.
Spelling corrections.
The automatic-save setting is now enabled for new
October 1, 2018.
Allow reloading of items in the Custom Query dialog.
Close SQLite Upgrade Schema results dialog on Close click.
Control + S and Control + W shortcuts. Thank you wohali.
Corrected less-than operator implementations in derived table
items. Current software assumes that cell values are static.
PQ at version 9.6.10 on W32.
SQLite at version 3.25.2 on W32.
Support ISBN 979 prefix. Thank you Safranil.
July 4, 2018.
Enable sorting of the main table after grey literature file
counts and photograph counts are acquired.
New Greek Z39.50 target. Please see biblioteq.conf.
Qt 5.9.6 on W32.
Qt 5.11.1 on OS X.
Removed forward-only database queries as some cause problems
with PQ and Qt 5.11.
SQLite 3.24.0 on W32.
Set the default application icon.
Unique Qt signal connections.
YAZ 5.25.0 on W32.
May 5, 2018.
Allow cancellation of SRU queries.
Allow searching of PDF files.
Allow sorting of files by file sizes in books, journals, and
Alpha 21264 processor support.
Avoid logging duplicate and unique errors on INSERT to
Corrected member ALTER statement for SQLite upgrade process.
Correctly parent progress dialogs.
Correctly remove photograph item windows upon deletion of
corresponding database entries.
Correctly retain the Category setting during a BiblioteQ
session regardless of database connectivity.
Debian AMD64 package built using Qt 5.5.1.
Debian PowerPC package with Qt 4.8.x.
Depict read-only widgets in various item windows. The current
implementation is incomplete.
Destroy phantom objects. These objects are created if
item-retrieval methods fail.
Disable the MIT-SHM extension on X11.
Do not discard the Custom Query window after a query is
Embedded item icons in the main table.
Inspect potential zero pointers.
Launch PDF viewers via double-click events for books, journals,
and magazines. Poppler required.
Maintain field values after a general search has completed.
Multiple-word generic searches.
Native menu bar widgets.
New SQLite upgrade message dialog.
New date formats in Other Options. Thanks coldacid.
New user document.
OpenBSD support.
Properly delete photograph scene items after their corresponding
database representations are correctly deleted. The incorrect
logic causes abnormal termination.
Purge scene items whenever item images are replaced. Otherwise,
phantom memory objects remain.
Raspbian armhf package with Qt 4.8.7.
Replaced static SRU and Z39.50 query dialogs with dynamic
Replaced the PDF reader's View contents with a list of scale
Report SRU network errors.
Reset Case-Insensitive state on Reset activation.
SQLite at version 3.23.0 on Win32.
Some widgets should be hidden in various item-search windows.
For example, Files.
Sparc64 support.
Support for grey literature. PostgreSQL administrators, please
update your database schema(s) via postgresql_update_schema.sql.
The OS X release is generated with Qt 5.10.1 on OS X 10.12.6.
Support for previous OS X versions is unknown.
Upgraded Qt products to version 5.9.5 on Win32.
Upgraded PostgreSQL products to version 9.6.8 on Win32.
YAZ at version 5.23.1 on Win32.
August 19, 2017.
Corrected visibility of password dialogs on SQLite databases.
Such dialogs should be not be accessible. Thank you Fares Othman.
Optional dates in various searches.
Qt products upgraded to version 5.9.1 on Windows.
Upgraded PostgreSQL products to version 9.6.4 on OS X.
Upgraded SQLite products to version 3.20.0 on OS X and Windows.
Upgraded YAZ products to version 5.22.0 on OS X and Windows.
July 4, 2017.
Context menu for removing photographs.
New Windows library information. Thank you Leif-W.
May 5, 2017.
Corrected Arabic language menu item. Thanks to Fares Othman for
reporting the problem.
New Other Option date format: yyyy.
Purge objects.
April 30, 2017.
Arabic translation provided by Fares Othman.
Increased optimization level on all platforms.
Poppler PDF viewer on W32.
PostgreSQL products at version 9.6.2 on W32.
Qt at version 5.8.0 on W32.
SQLite has been upgraded to version 3.18.0 on W32.
YAZ products have been upgraded to version 5.20.1 on W32.
January 20, 2017.
Allow exporting of selected photograph(s).
Allow pagination after an interrupted query.
PDF viewer for books, journals, and magazines. Poppler required.
Available on FreeBSD and Linux.
PostgreSQL databases offer query sizes. Modified some progress
Upgraded SQLite to version 3.16.2 on Windows.
Upgraded YAZ to version 5.20.0 on OS X.
December 16, 2016.
Version 2016.12.16 is now available.
Allow sorting of Custom Database Query items.
Corrected a selection issue with photograph collections. The
problem would prevent modifications of selected items in
photograph collections.
Corrected the Music CD search query.
New accession_number database field. PostgreSQL administrators,
please update your database schema(s) via
postgresql_update_schema.sql. SQLite users, please see the
Upgrade SQLite Schema option off the Tools menu.
Upgraded Qt to version 5.7.1 on Windows.
December 6, 2016.
New version is ready! Version 2016.12.06.
Corrected documentation.
New Other Options. Please see the Options menu.
Upgraded SQLite to version 3.15.2 on OS X and Windows.
Windows XP users, please consider installing the bundled
vc_redist.x86.exe file.
November 5, 2016.
Version 2016.11.05 is ready!
Allow reloading of biblioteq.conf via Options.
Corrected a grant statement in postgresql_create_schema.sql
with respect to grey_literature_myoid_seq. PostgreSQL
administrators, please read postgresql_update_schema.sql.
Corrected member query. Problem caused by translation-based
logic. Thanks to Jeepee for the report.
Corrected the sole INSERT statement in
postgresql_create_schema.sql. Explicitly mention column names.
Thanks to Arti for reporting the problem.
If you're having Z39.50 problems on Windows, please remove the
Windows registry My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BiblioteQ
via regedit.
Modified postgresql_destroy_schema.sql so that it produces a
single notice during an ideal execution.
Upgraded YAZ products to version 5.18.0 on OS X and version
5.17.0 on Windows.
Verify accessibility of SQLite files.
September 4, 2016.
Version 2016.09.04 is available.
Disallow cancellation of Z39.50 queries.
EXISTS() instead of COUNT(), where applicable.
Upgraded Qt products to version 5.7.0 on Windows.
Upgraded SQLite products to version 3.14.1 on Windows.
July 4, 2016.
Version 2016.07.04 is available.
Corrected overdue fees reminder.
Decreased biblioteq_guest permissions on item_borrower_vw.
Please see postgresql_update_schema.sql.
Introduced connection_options in biblioteq.conf.
Introduced file attachments for books, journals, and magazines.
PostgreSQL administrators should execute the latest statements in
Allow usage of QHttp in place of QNetworkAccessManager. Source
Corrected postgresql_destroy_schema.sql.
Corrected selections of requested items.
Corrected variable assignment in marc::parseBookZ3950Marc21()
with respect to fields 100 and 700.
Disable general search widgets after a search is performed.
Widgets may be enabled via the interface.
Introduced a basic search that's integrated into the main
Layout changes.
Moved the category option into the View menu.
New PostgreSQL guest account! Please see
Patrons may now decline reservation histories. Enabled by
Removed biblioteq_patron permissions from biblioteq_membership.
PostgreSQL administrators, please see postgresql_update_schema.sql.
The biblioteq_membership role must not have access to patron
Support OS X 10.6.8 and Qt 4.8.6. Thanks to Ceres for
reporting the errors.
Upgraded Qt products to version 5.4.1 on Windows.
January 27, 2015.
Version 10.00 is now available.
BiblioteQ celebrates its tenth year!
Happy New Year!
Experimental UNIMARC support for the Z39.50 protocol.
Introduced a case-insensitive general search.
MARC data for journals and magazines is abbreviated. Corrected.
Properly delete QNetworkReply objects.
Updated SQLite libraries to version on Windows.
Upgraded Qt products to version 5.4.0 on Windows.
December 18, 2014.
Version 6.74 is available.
Corrected use of ZOOM_connection_error().
QSqlRecord::fieldName() may include an alias. For example,
the method may return journal.type instead of type. As a result,
some queries will result in misrepresented data. Corrected.
December 9, 2014.
Version 6.73 is now available.
A new Hungarian translation. Thank you Csanád Baksay.
Improved recording of Z39.50 errors.
Prohibit case-sensitive PostgreSQL administrator names. Thank
you Nicola.
Upgraded YAZ products to version 5.7.1 on Windows.
October 13, 2014.
Version 6.72 is now available.
All dogs go to Heaven.
Prevent cancellation of processes that are not interruptible.
Spelling corrections.
Upgraded Qt products to version 5.3.2 on Windows.
Upgraded YAZ products to version 5.4.3 on OS X and 5.4.1 on
August 9, 2014.
Version 6.71 is now available.
Corrected support of optional ISBNs with respect to missing
titles in the Copy Browser.
ISSNs are now optional. PostgreSQL administrators, please see
the postgresql_update_schema.sql file.
August 2, 2014.
Version 6.70 is available.
Extended the sex field in the member table. PostgreSQL
administrators, please see the postgresql_update_schema.sql file.
Thanks to Frans.
Per Frans, removed input masks for telephone numbers and zip
Remind the user to save their settings after a locale change.
Upgraded Qt to version 5.3.1 on Windows.
Upgraded YAZ products to version 5.3.0 on OS X and Windows
June 6, 2014.
Version 6.69 has been uploaded.
After adding a photograph collection, items in the collection
should be editable without requiring the collection to be
reloaded. Corrected.
Avoid accessing invalid array items.
Corrected C++ constructors.
Created an icons resource file and updated all relevant source.
Thanks to Nick for reporting the OS X issue.
Inspect indexOf() results and results of similar methods.
Upgraded SQLite libraries to version 3.8.5 on Windows.
May 21, 2014.
Version 6.68 is available.
Added support for 64-bit integers to limit and offset SQL
Avoid divisions by zero.
Corrected the OS X Qt 5 project file with respect to a
missing Cocoa library.
Corrected the PostgreSQL loader paths in the OS X bundle.
Corrected the SRU and Z39.50 mechanisms with respect to books.
BiblioteQ should not replace ISBN fields if the fields were
completed by the user. Ten-character or thirteen-character ISBNs
are considered as user-provided.
Corrected the scene's parent in
Corrected use of qgetenv(). The function returns a byte
Corrected widget highlighting with respect to SRU and Z39.50
query results.
Do not access members of invalid pointers.
Do not store database credentials information in database
objects and display widgets.
Increased the maximum issue and volume values for journals and
Prevent memory mismanagement of qtbook_item objects during the
reservation process.
Properly set parents of action widgets.
Remind the user of resource limits.
Respect array boundaries.
Update photograph objects in qtbook::updateItemWindows().
Upgraded Qt to version 4.8.6 on OS X.
Upgraded YAZ products to version 5.1.1 on OS X and Windows
Use parameterized SQL statements so as to avoid injection
errors. Please note that this item required significant changes.
Please report issues.
March 27, 2014.
Version 6.67 is now available.
Notify the user if an SQLite database cannot be created.
Properly bind NULL SQL values in QSqlQuery.
Removed obsolete variables.
Resolved two SRU issues. Thanks to SigmaX for reporting the
Review QDataStream read and write results.
Review indexOf() results.
The type field in the locations table should not be null.
PostgreSQL users, please update your schema(s) via the
postgresql_update_schema.sql file.
Upgraded Qt products to version 5.2.1 on Windows.
Upgraded SQLite products to version on Windows.
Upgraded YAZ products to version 5.0.18 on OS X and Windows.
September 17, 2013.
Version 6.66 is ready!
Added condition and originality fields to the book and
book_copy_info database tables. UI elements reflect new
Am in need of a Windows 7 license. Please donate!
As always, PostgreSQL administrators are urged to update their
database schemas. Please see postgresql_update_schema.sql.
Custom book binding types. Please see the Database Enumerations
Browser. Please note that you ought to populate the
book_binding_types table so that Book Binding Type combination
boxes contain the new data. PostgreSQL: INSERT INTO
book_binding_types (binding_type) (SELECT DISTINCT binding_type
FROM book).
Updated Qt products to version 4.8.5 on OS X and version 5.1.1
on Windows.
Updated YAZ products to version 4.2.66 on OS X and version
4.2.65 on Windows.
June 3, 2013.
Version 6.65 has been released.
Added documentation to doc.d/contributors.d. Document provided
by Ana Monteiro and Fátima Dias.
Added foreign key constraints to various SQLite database tables.
Unfortunately, the changes will only be seen in new databases.
Corrected SQLite foreign key flaw. Thanks to Ana Monteiro for
reporting the issue. The problem was introduced in version
Updated the SQLite library on Windows to version 3.7.17.
May 27, 2013.
Version 6.64 is now available.
Added missing privileges to the biblioteq_librarian role.
PostgreSQL administrators, please see
Corrected a problem that occurs when a new administrator is
defined. The administrator's roles are not properly recorded.
Thanks to numibesi for discovering the issue.
Corrected some deep privileges problems. Again, thanks
Fixed an incorrect comparison related to minimum patron id
Updated postgresql_destroy_schema.sql.
April 29, 2013.
Version 6.63 is now available.
Added artist and composer fields to the cd_songs table.
PostgreSQL administrators are urged to review the
postgresql_update_schema.sql file. Please see ticket 3598802 for
more information.
Purged SQLite sql files. The file
include.d/sqlite_create_schema.h is sufficient.
Updated YAZ products to version 4.2.54 for OS X and Windows.
April 15, 2013.
New site!
March 7, 2013.
Version 6.62 is now available.
Guard array boundaries.
February 28, 2013.
Version 6.61 will be released today.
Because photograph collections may not be reserved by patrons,
the reservation process of such items should not raise database
Center a photograph detail view with respect to its parent.
The database field MYOID is guaranteed to be unique per table.
Corrected routines (qtbook::slotDisplaySummary(),
qtbook::slotSceneSelectionChanged(), qtbook::updateSceneItem())
that failed to recognize item types in addition to the MYOID
February 27, 2013.
Version 6.60 is now available.
Added context menus to photograph collection views. Activating
the menus will allow users to view individual photographs in
greater detail.
Updated Qt products to version 4.8.4 on OS X.
Updated YAZ products to version 4.2.50 on OS X and Windows
Increased Z39.50 msleep() intervals from 10 milliseconds to
Must remember to purge obsolete objects.
Thanks to everyone for their support.
May 13, 2012.
Version 6.55 is now available.
Happy Mother's Day!
A critical flaw was discovered by a user. Because of the
current PostgreSQL database design, the number of users that may
exist is limited. The new approach introduces the roles
biblioteq_administrator, biblioteq_circulation,
biblioteq_librarian, biblioteq_membership, and biblioteq_patron.
Accounts will now be assigned roles. To update your PostgreSQL
schema, please execute the following suggestions:
Modify your PostgreSQL schema by executing the SQL statements
under version 6.55 of the postgresql_schema_update.sql file.
Launch BiblioteQ and connect to your PostgreSQL instance.
You must connect with the administrator account that you used
to create the BiblioteQ database.
Open the Administrator Browser and issue a save.
Open the Members Browser and perform a batch update of the
Corrected uses of QProgressBars. BiblioteQ must avoid
assigning values outside of defined ranges.
Fixed while-loops responsible for parsing Z39.50 data.
Modified the file, changing the location of the
biblioteq.conf file to /usr/local/biblioteq.
Per cbush06, the member_history table's item_id field has been
removed. The field was incorrectly populated. It was also
redundant. Please update your PostgreSQL schemas.
Received a donation from an anonymous user. Thank you.
Received a donation from luismontilla. Thank you.
Updated Qt products to version 4.8.1 for Windows systems.
Updated YAZ (Z39.50) products to version 4.2.31 on OS X and
Windows systems.
Whenever an item is updated, its Icons Mode image must also be
March 9, 2012.
Version 6.54 is now available.
A Greek user guide has been provided by
Dimitris Kanas.
Added the Add Item sub-menu to the Edit menu.
Added the Format specifier to biblioteq.conf. This new field
will allow users to specify Z39.50 character conversions.
Added the Total Reserved column to various table views.
After many years, BiblioteQ will showcase a new icon set.
BiblioteQ will now use the system's fonts on the OS X platform.
Allowing the user to set the fonts may result in distorted
Corrected issues with SQLite files. Thanks to yasbean for
reporting the problems.
Fixed some state issues with respect to item duplication. Some
buttons (Copies, Reservation Status, Show Tracks) must be
initially disabled.
Generic searches now support item availability.
Received the first monetary donation. Thank you yasbean.
The Members Browser will now allow administrators to update
privileges for all listed patrons.
January 7, 2012.
Happy New Year!
Version 6.53 is now available. Enjoy!
Added basic support for overdue fees. PostgreSQL users are
urged to execute the appropriate section from the
postgresql_update_schema.sql file.
Improved representation of numeric data.
Introduced the Icons Mode under the View menu. If you notice
that the retrieval process is slow, please lower the Entries
per Page value. Decreasing image sizes will also help.
Modified biblioteq.conf so that medium-sized images are
retrieved from Amazon.
Qt products have been upgraded to version 4.8.0 on Windows
Replaced turbine with localhost in biblioteq.conf.
SQLite database files will now have the sqlite extension
automatically added.
The first elementary school in Nea Erythraia, Attica,
Greece has selected BiblioteQ.
November 20, 2011.
Version 6.52 is now available.
Added support for duplicating entries.
Allow multiple create windows.
Improved window sizing.
Modified queries so that special characters are properly
Removed redundant containers.
Resolved several segmentation faults.
Ubuntu's Unity interface overrides menu settings. Modified
BiblioteQ so that it prevents certain actions.
November 3, 2011.
Released version 6.51.1.
Because of international characters, the database searches
have been made case-sensitive.
September 29, 2011.
Version 6.51 is available for download.
A new keyword field has been added to the various item types.
PostgreSQL users are urged to execute the appropriate section
from the postgresql_update_schema.sql file.
Added a Dutch translation per editor3d7.
BiblioteQ will retain the previously-opened database branch.
Dates will now be displayed in their native formats. Date
data will retain the usual MM/dd/yyyy format.
Due to corruption, the main table's column widths will not be
retained. The feature will return in a future release.
Faulty search queries have been fixed.
Fixed incorrect background colors of non-essential fields.
Fixed issues related to Qt's table-sorting behavior. Problems
may only be apparent with Qt 4.6.x. Qt versions 4.6.x are
Improved Z39.50 parsing.
Multiple Z39.50 results will be enumerated by ISSNs for
journals and magazines.
Qt products have been upgraded to version 4.7.4 on OS X and
Windows platforms.
Removed the Automatically Resize Table to Contents option.
Some UNION queries lacked ALL keywords.
Some containers were not cleared after a database disconnect.
Thanks for everyone's participation.
The ISBN fields are now optional. PostgreSQL users are required
to update their schemas.
The Windows installer will now install a Desktop icon.
When reserving items, the Copy Browser will now automatically
select the next available copy.
Z39.50 records will now be retrieved in MARC21 format.
August 18, 2011.
Version 6.50 is now available.
Added a call to QMainWindow::closeEvent() in
Added various protections against NULL objects.
Force selection of a Z39.50 site if one is not selected
(books, journals, magazines).
Protect misc_functions::updateSQLiteDatabase() against
BiblioteQ version changes.
Retain the main window's toolbar states.
May 23, 2011.
Version 6.46 is in the process of being released.
This version is dedicated to Mr. R.'s father.
May 15, 2011.
Version 6.46 will be available soon.
Ability to save the current view as a CSV file.
Added an install target to
Added the Unlimited Entries per Page for SQLite databases.
Patrons will now have expiration dates. Expired members will
not be allowed to reserve items. Please note that for SQLite
databases, the software should automatically adjust the member
table in order to support the new expiration_date field. Please
submit a trouble report if you experience problems.
Qt products have been upgraded to version 4.7.3 on OS X and
Windows platforms.
The main table's states will now be restored and retained.
Updated the Administrator Guide documents.
Was incorrectly retrieving the userid from the UI instead of
the database object.
March 20, 2011.
Version 6.45 has been released.
A Spanish translation has been postponed until a translation
becomes available.
March 18, 2011.
Version 6.45 will be released soon. New features and fixes
are listed below.
All search input will be trimmed.
Column headers are now retained and restored.
Greek translation.
Patrons were unable to connect to PostgreSQL instances due to
incorrect error handling.
Printing from the main window will generate tabular reports.
Removed the Unlimited Entries per Page option.
True PostgreSQL and SQLite pagination.
February 25, 2011.
Released version 6.44.3.
Fixed book, journal, and magazine search errors.
January 7, 2011.
Happy New Year!
Version 6.44.2 is available for download.
Fixed a fatal flaw with SQLite databases by introducing an
artificial sequence. Users must execute the statement under
version 6.44.2 of the sqlite_update_schema.sql file from within
sqlite3 in order to create the required sequence. Thanks to
ResetFlag for reporting the problem.
Improved the look-and-feel on OS X systems.
Introduced some thread-safety mechanisms with respect to the
Z39.50 query.
Modified the Database Enumerations Browser by introducing
separate transactions. Again, thanks to ResetFlag for reporting
the issue.
Replaced QHttp with QNetworkReply and QNetworkAccessManager.
December 31, 2010.
Recreated the Windows installer. The new bundle includes a
potentially-important manifest file.
December 27, 2010.
Version 6.44.1 has been released.
This release fixes an issue regarding
QApplication::processEvents() on OS X (10.6.5) and Qt 4.7.1.
December 19, 2010.
Version 6.44 is now available! Modifications are summarized
A basic Spanish translation will be available in version 6.45.
Added MARC Tags fields to books, journals, and magazines.
Amazon information is now defined at runtime if the
biblioteq.conf is damaged or missing.
Compact Disc runtimes are now computed whenever track
information is saved.
Fixed an OID issue regarding journals and magazines on SQLite
databases. ISSNs ending with X were impacted.
Fixed incorrect combination box defaults in various places.
Improved the parsing of Z39.50 data for books.
Improved user interface elements.
Moved most of the configuration lists from biblioteq.conf to
database tables. Please update PostgreSQL and SQLite instances
via postgresql_update_schema.sql and sqlite_update_schema.sql.
Qt has been upgraded to version 4.7.1 for OS X and Windows
The Custom Query dialog now contains additional data objects.
The Entries per Page menu has been expanded.
November 14, 2010.
Version 6.43 has been released.
Added constness to various methods.
Combination box values are now in alphabetical order.
The minimum due days are now configurable via the biblioteq.conf
October 29, 2010.
Version 6.42 is now available.
Minor fixes.
New OS X bundle.
Updated Windows Qt libraries to 4.7.0.
September 5, 2010.
Recreated for MacOS.
April 18, 2010.
Version 6.41 is ready for immediate use.
Introduced a mechanism for converting 13-digit ISBNs to
10-digit ISBNs.
Resolved a potential branch-ordering issue if a misconfigured
biblioteq.conf is installed.
April 10, 2010.
Released version 6.40.
Displaying connection information.
Resolved an incorrect window title.
February 20, 2010.
Version 6.39 is now available.
Fixed an OS X Font Selection crash.
New feature: File->New SQLite Database.
The main window's title now references the currently-opened
SQLite database.
Updated PostgreSQL sections in order to eliminate warnings.
January 10, 2010.
Version 6.38 is available.
Added an icon to the Windows executable, per David Bolton.
In the process of simplifying translation support.
The Windows version has been upgraded to utilize Qt 4.6.
The current category is now retained.
Updated the Administrator Guide document.
October 26, 2009.
In the process of re-releasing the software bundles.
Modified documentation files.
Removed obsolete translation files.
October 23, 2009.
Version 6.37 is being released.
Eliminated the paging mechanism for SQLite databases on Windows
due to plugin restrictions.
OS X and Windows versions have been upgraded to use Qt 4.5.3.
Please update your database schemas by executing the statements
under version 6.37 of the postgresql_update_schema.sql and
sqlite_update_schema.sql files.
Simplified book editions.
Thank you Robert (fmra357) for discovering the SQLite issue on
October 2, 2009.
Version 6.36 will be available shortly.
Fixed an incorrect error dialog.
Improved the image download mechanism.
Modified the format in which images are stored. This update
eliminates some database warnings.
New BiblioteQ icon.
Other miscellaneous improvements.
August 19, 2009.
Version 6.35 is now available.
Support for multiple Z39.50 sites.
Updated biblioteq.conf settings.
Version 6.22.4 is the final release under the 6.22 branch.
July 13, 2009.
Versions 6.34 and 6.22.4 are available.
Additional verification dialogs.
Fixed the 6.22 OS X installer.
Improved the progress dialogs.
Resolved translation issues.
June 12, 2009.
Versions 6.33 and 6.22.3 will be available shortly.
Implemented a paging mechanism. This new addition should
simplify the navigation of large databases. By default, pages
will contain at most 25 entries.
Miscellaneous improvements.
New menu. (Options->Entries per Page)
May 2, 2009.
Versions 6.32 and 6.22.2 are now available.
New menu. (File->Recent SQLite Files)
April 16, 2009.
Versions 6.31 and 6.22.1 will be released shortly.
Fixed an order issue in the postgresql_create_schema.sql file.
Updated biblioteq.conf. Please modify the [Amazon Front Cover
Images] section accordingly and insert the [Amazon Back Cover
Images] section.
April 10, 2009.
Version 6.30 is in the process of being released.
Discontinued support of OFFSYSTEM.
Future fixes will also be applied to the 6.22 branch.
April 5, 2009.
Version 6.22 has been released.
Minor changes.
Updated the qt.conf file.
March 21, 2009.
Version 6.21.1 is now available.
Updated the documentation.
Updated the translations.d directory.
March 3, 2009.
Version 6.21 has been released!
Added support for Czech and German translations. I'm thankful to
those who provided the translation files.
Additional changes in support of internationalization, including
bug fixes.
Fixed an issue with the Administrator Browser. Also implemented
a feature that prevents the creation of administrators without
Fixed an issue with the Reservation Browser. Non-privileged
accounts were unable to view an item's reservations.
February 23, 2009.
Version 6.20.2 will be available today.
Solved several issues regarding the drag-and-drop feature.
February 22, 2009.
Version 6.20.1 has been released.
Improved the image drag-and-drop feature.
Resolved some issues related to translation support.
The Windows XP release will be available on February 23, 2009.
February 22, 2009.
Version 6.20 is now available.
Added icons to various widgets.
Search date formats have been changed to MM/yyyy.
February 7, 2009.
Version 6.19 has been released.
Added the Place of Publication field to Books, Journals,
Magazines, and Video Games.
Fixed several issues regarding embedded hyperlinks.
Implemented default values for several mandatory fields.
Please update your database schemas by executing the statements
under version 6.19 of the postgresql_update_schema.sql and
sqlite_update_schema.sql files.
January 16, 2009.
Version 6.18 is now available.
Fixed a size issue with the Book dialog's ISBN-13 textfield.
Introduced some comments in the various SQL scripts.
Modified the initial size of the Branch Selection dialog.
January 4, 2009.
Happy New Year!
Version 6.17 is available.
Added an additional uniqueness key to the item_request table.
PostgreSQL users are urged to execute the statements under
version 6.17 of the postgresql_update_schema.sql file. The new
constraint allows patrons to request similar items.
General improvements.
Minor redesign of the Branch Selection dialog.
Resolved a SQLite issue in regards to empty databases and
custom queries.
The software is being prepared for internationalization.
December 7, 2008.
Released version 6.16.
Enable certain options only if applicable.
Improved the Branch Selection dialog.
November 27, 2008.
Version 6.15 is now available.
Improved error messages.
Member IDs may be modified during patron account creation.
Users must resave preferences data.
November 18, 2008.
Version 6.14.1 will be released today.
Added the BiblioteQ icon to the various windows.
All users are urged to upgrade!
Existing SQLite databases must be updated. Please execute the
commands under version 6.14.1 of the sqlite_update_schema.sql
Fixed a segmentation fault that was introduced by the previous
Fixed an incorrect query in the Item Reservation Status
Fixed an incorrect query in the Members Browser.
Resolved a well-disguised issue regarding the removal of
administrator and patron accounts.
Resolved several critical issues regarding administrator
November 15, 2008.
Version 6.14 is available.
General improvements.
New options under the Options menu.
The Administrator Browser now includes details regarding
administrator capabilities.
November 13, 2008.
Version 6.13 is available.
Resolved an incorrect question dialog associated with unsaved
Standard members do not require access to the admin table.
Please "Save" each member's data through the Members Browser.
The Windows XP installer requires redistribution as it lacks
certain PostgreSQL libraries.
October 3, 2008.
Released version 6.12.2.
Fixed an issue with the filter pulldown menu.
The main table is now populated whenever the type filter
October 2, 2008.
Version 6.12.1 will be released today.
Fixed menu shortcut discrepancies.
Updated several icons.
September 30, 2008.
Version 6.12 is available!
Added e-mail address information to patron accounts.
Improved the interfaces for the Z39.50 query and image
Patrons may now cancel their requested items.
Prices of 0.00 are now supported.
Resolved minor issues.
UPC fields now allow 13 digits.
Updated the icon set.
September 19, 2008.
Version 6.11 has been released.
Improved the functionality of the Members Browser.
The summary panel on the main window now displays the
availability of the selected item.
August 29, 2008.
Released version 6.10.
Corrected a widget visibility state issue.
Included with this release is the ROLES document. The document
details administrator privileges.
August 27, 2008.
Version 6.09 is now available.
Set widget focus when appropriate.
Updated some informational text.
Verified that BiblioteQ is functional on Debian Sparc64 and
CentOS 5.2.
August 24, 2008.
Version 6.08 will be available today.
Potential crashes due to inapropriate use of threads and event
handlers have been resolved.
Prepared the application for downloading back cover images
from Amazon. The biblioteq.conf file needs to be properly
August 15, 2008.
Released version 6.07.
Downloading of front cover images for books is now supported.
Please update biblioteq.conf accordingly. (Images are downloaded
from Amazon.)
Fixed a bug with the misc_functions::grantPrivs() method.
This issue was introduced after the journal database table was
added. The bug impacts PostgreSQL databases and administrator
functions (creation, modification).
June 27, 2008.
Recreated the OS X Intel package as some users were having
connectivity issues with SQLite databases.
June 20, 2008.
Version 6.06 has been released.
Improved display of cover images. Images are now scaled to fit
their containers.
Items now possess multiple categories (genres for Video Games).
Please update your database schemas.
Users are now reminded of unsaved changes.
June 15, 2008.
Version 6.05 is now available.
Other minor improvements.
Removing of the "N/A" after a successful Z39.50 query for
June 8, 2008.
Released version 6.04 for OS X Intel, yet again.
Included additional dependencies in the bundle.
June 4, 2008.
Version 6.04 has been released once again.
Please report any issues as there have been many updates
Solidified the parsing algorithms for Z39.50 queries. The
algorithms also attempt to set the categories.
June 2, 2008.
Released version 6.04 for OS X Intel.
Improved the parsing routine for the Library of Congress query
results for book items. Will most likely re-release this version
as it's still too primitive.
May 30, 2008.
Version 6.03 will be released today.
All users are urged to upgrade!
Created a journal table.
Removed image format information from the item tables.
Resolved critical issues with the journal and magazine table
May 26, 2008.
Version 6.02 has been released!
Allow members to view their overdue items, requested items,
and reserved items.
ISBNs may now be generated for PostgreSQL databases.
Members are now allowed to place items on request.
Other general improvements.
May 21, 2008.
Version 6.01 is now available for Windows XP.
May 20, 2008.
Released version 6.01.
Must remember to update some internal variables after copy
information is saved.
The Copy Browser now displays the title of the respective
May 11, 2008.
Versions 5.03.3 and 6.00 have been released.
Version 5.03.3 addresses several widget sensitivity issues.
(These issues have also been addressed by version 6.00.)
May 10, 2008.
Version 6.00 may be released today!
Pricing information is now only presented to certain
administrator roles.
Resolved several widget sensitivity state issues.
Slimmer database design. Tables containing reservation
information have been condensed.
May 7, 2008.
Version 5.03.2 is now available.
This release resolves a dysfunctional drag-and-drop
implementation on OS X.
May 6, 2008.
Version 5.03.1 has been released.
This version addresses an incorrect reference to the ISBN
column in the main table. The column is actually ISBN-10.
May 5, 2008.
Released version 5.03.
Default values for required fields. This only applies to the
Book category.
Implemented a mechanism for generating unique ISBNs for SQLite
Resolved an issue with myqstring::escape().
May 3, 2008.
Version 5.02 is now available.
Completed items from the TO-DO document.
Devised a widget-centering algorithm.
Miscellaneous fixes.
Resolved several issues with the Journal and Magazine
Resolved some SQLite issues.
May 2, 2008.
Released version 5.01.
Completed the Administrator Browser. This browser is only
available for PostgreSQL databases.
Improved the INSTALL document.
Minor, yet lovely, improvements.
Required fields are now highlighted.
Resolved items from the TO-DO list.
April 23, 2008.
Version 5.00 is now available for download.
Improved SQLite support.
Miscellaneous improvements.
Removed MySQL support.
Resolved some CASCADE DELETE issues.
April 21, 2008.
Version 4.05 is available.
Fixed several SQL queries related to NULL fields in WHERE
Notify the administrator to remind a new member of their
default password upon member creation.
Updated the MySQL scripts. There are some outstanding issues
in regards to member creation.
April 20, 2008.
Released version 4.04.
Implemented the OFFSYSTEM URL feature.
April 19, 2008.
Uploaded a new Windows XP bundle to resolve several
dependency issues.
April 19, 2008.
Version 4.03 is available for download.
Ability to drag images (BMP, JPG, PNG) onto the Cover
Image canvases.
First official release for Windows XP.
Key fields (such as Author(s), Director(s), etc.) are now
represented as hyperlinks. This will simplify the searching of
similar items.
Minor bug fixes.
April 14, 2008.
Version 4.02.2 is now available.
Modified the sqlite_create_tables.sql script in support of
delete cascades.
Removed some user interface titles.
Successfully tested the application in Windows XP via a SQLite
Updated several INSERT statements in support of SQLite
limitations on unique constraints.
April 13, 2008.
Released version 4.02.1.
Created a superficial wrapper around QSqlQuery::size() in
support of SQLite.
Fixed a SQL query with the Reservation History panel.
General enhancements.
New options under the Options menu.
April 12, 2008.
Released version 4.02.
SQLite 3.x is now supported.
April 11, 2008.
Version 4.01 is now available.
Beautified many aspects of the user interface.
Cover images support.
Fixed some of the SQL scripts.
General enhancements.
March 31, 2008.
Version 4.00.1 is available.
Corrected the MySQL scripts.
Updated several error messages.
Updated the INSTALL.freebsd document.
March 30, 2008.
Version 4.00 has been released.
Allow members to view their reserved items.
Enhanced the user interface.
Implemented user authentication based on MySQL and
Removed account information from the biblioteq.conf file.
March 22, 2008.
Version 3.23.1 is now available.
Completed the Member's Reservation History panel.
Fixed the various SQL scripts.
Improved the appearance of the main form.
Minor bug fixes.
March 19, 2008.
Released version 3.23.
If upgrading, please execute the 3.23 SQL statements from
either the mysql_update.sql or postgresql_update.sql scripts
at the appropriate database prompt.
Initial release in support of reservation history.
Miscellaneous improvements.
Updated several icons.
Updated the SQL files that are responsible for creating the
various database tables.
March 15, 2008.
Released version 3.22.
If you are upgrading, please execute the 3.22 SQL statements
from either the mysql_update.sql or postgresql_update.sql
scripts at the appropriate database prompt.
Implemented a mechanism for printing information from the main
Modified the database item tables to include type information.
Replaced several hide() calls with raise().
March 12, 2008.
Version 3.21 is now available.
Preserve the visibility of the main table's columns after a
Type Filter change.
March 9, 2008.
Released version 3.20.
Implemented a means to copy the contents of the Error Dialog
to the clipboard buffer.
Modified the backup.csh script in support of FreeBSD's Qt4
March 7, 2008.
Released version 3.19.
Fixed a focus issue.
Modified scrolling attributes for several of the table
Verified that the application functions properly on FreeBSD
7.0 systems.
February 28, 2008.
Version 3.18 is now available.
Corrected the constructor's signature in
Program is fully functional on Solaris 10 systems.